

    Mrs. Morgan and I are excited to be Team Teaching again this school year, 
    so your child will have the special privilege of spending half of the day 
    in each of our classrooms: 
    I will be teaching Math and Social Studies, 
    Mrs. Estes will be teaching ELA,
    and (new this school year) Mr. Olian will be teaching Science.

    It is going to be a fantastic year to be a 4th Grader at Riverside!!!


    HOMEWORK FOLDERS: Your child has been provided with a plastic folder to be used as his/her Homework Folder.  Weekly assignments should be transported to and from school in this folder.  Students will also be instructed to transport and important documents to/from home in their Homework Folders.

    STUDENT PLANNERS: During the first week of school, every 4th grade student was given a planner to use for the 2017-2018 school year. It is an expectation that students will write all necessary assignments and important information in the planner.  Mrs. Estes and I model this procedure with an example planner at the end of each class period. Planners should be taken home every night inside students’ homework folders and returned the following day.


    SNACKS: Students may bring a HEALTHY snack from home to be eaten at a designated time during the morning.  Students will not be allowed to eat chips, cookies/sweets, candy, or other similar items during our snack period. If your child brings one of these items for snack, they will be instructed to save it for lunch time. Failure to follow snack rules may result in the loss of snack privileges. 

    M-Step Practice
    (Be sure to use Google Chrome as your browser)

    Receive instant reminders and updates from Mrs. Estes and Mrs. Morgan with the FREE app. Simply text
    @estesela4 to 81010
    @amorgan4 to 81010


    Operation Fit is a program developed by the collaborative efforts of Bronson Battle Creek, Battle Creek Community Foundation, and Regional Health Alliance, 
    community agencies, organizations, and the philanthropic community working towards decreasing the rates of childhood obesity in the Battle Creek Area.

    What does that mean for your child?
    Each morning from 8:30-8:40, the entire school body will be moving and grooving outside on the playground in order to get that oxygen flowing to our brains, so we are ready to learn.

    Operation Fit Student Survey


    As a school, we have been striving to help employ a sense of wellness among staff and students. We have our birthday book policy as well as Operation Fit now in the mornings as well as our Splash program. But to top that all off, we are going to have...Think Fit Thursdays! 

    Think Fit Thursdays is going to be every Thursday. We are encouraging everyone to dress in athletic apparel to "think fit". Staff, as well as students, are encouraged to wear tennis shoes (as we do every day), athletic bottoms and college apparel on top. We are doing this to not only encourage movement throughout the day but also to help students begin thinking about their futures (i.e. college). 

    We hope you will join us in supporting this new healthy endeavor. We can't wait to see all of our students moving with us "fit style" and checking out all the different colleges out there!


    Each student in 4th grade will have access to his/her own Chromebook Computer throughout the school day. Students not wishing to use the recycled school headphones may choose to bring in their own from home. 

    Please Note: These headphones will need to stay at school until the end of the school year.


    2017-2018 EARLY DISMISSALS at 12:05


    Image result for clip art crossing guard


    In an effort to improve school security and the safety of all of our children, parents will drop their children off in the lobby of the school. If it is a necessity for you to accompany your child to his or her classroom, you may do so ONLY after signing in at the office and obtaining a Visitor's Badge.

    District personnel will be monitoring the halls beginning at 8:25 AM to ensure that only children and parents that have signed in at the office are in halls beyond the tiled area in the lobby.

    Your child's safety is the number one concern of the entire Riverside staff. We apologize for any inconvenience this policy may create, but hope that you understand that your child's safety is our top priority.


    Children that wish to play on the playground prior to the start of the school day must be accompanied by an adult. School staff is not available for supervision until 8:30.

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