Leaves of Absence & FMLA

  • All leaves of absence, whether paid or unpaid, must be requested in writing to the Human Resources office and for those employees who work within the context of a collective bargaining agreement, consistent with the language in the specific employee’s master agreement.  It is the responsibility of the employee to keep the Human Resources office apprised of contact information (address and phone number) while the employee is on a leave of absence.  Failure for follow conditions for leaves of absence outlined in collective bargaining agreements or failure to report back to work on the first day after expiration of the leave of absence will be considered a voluntary termination of employment.


    Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)


    FMLA requires Lakeview School District to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid job-protected leave to eligible employees for certain family and medical reasons.  Employees are eligible if they have worked for Lakeview School District for at least one year and for 1, 250 hours over the previous 12 months.  The method used for calculations is a “rolling” 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA leave.  Employees may choose to use any available sick and/or personal time concurrently with FMLA leave.  The FMLA leave begins on the employee’s first day off work.  Employees are required to notify Human Resources if they will be absent for more than three full consecutive days in order for a determination to be made as to whether the absence qualifies under the FMLA.  The complete FMLA regulations are located in all buildings.


    FMLA Fact Sheet