eBooks at LHS Library

LHS Library provides eBook content to our students and staff in a rapidly changing digital world.

Use the resources below to keep updated on eBooks for school and leisure pursuits. 

Finding eBooks

Destiny Online Catalog
Destiny Catalog

eBook High School Collection web button
EBSCOhost eBooks

GVRL reference eBooks
Gale Virtual Reference

Project Gutenberg
Public Domain eBooks

Overdrive downloads
Willard Library

Barnes & Noble NOOKs at LHS

  Gale eBooks web button

Using eBooks

1. Destiny Catalog

2. EBSCOhost eBooks

    • Over 20,000 full-text eBooks are available to you on EBSCOhost through Michigan eLibrary (MeL) databases.
    • Use the basic search box or Browse by Category from the column on the left.
      Searching eBook Collection
    • From the result list, click eBook Full Text link to read book in eBook Viewer tool or preview Table of Contents.
    • When reading the eBook, you'll find tools on right side of screen to search within text, add notes, print, email, cite, or share on a social network. 
    • A detailed screencast is available.

3. Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) 

    • GVRL is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources covering a variety of subjects from arts to social sciences. At Lakeview High School, we have access to some 360 reference ebooks through GVRL, available 24/7 from school or home
    • A variety of results are returned from search on Stonehenge. You’ll find article type, basic bibliographic information, short summary, and word count.
      GVRL search results
    • From the full-text display of an article, you can view in PDF format, cite, email, listen, translate, save in audio format to your computer, iPod, or other device. You can also download an article (not the entire eBook) to an eReader.
      GVRL result  
    • Gale Cengage provides this screencast on new features of GVRL.

4. Public Domain eBooks 

5. Overdrive from Willard Library

    • Willard Library has partnered with Midwest Collaborative for Library Services to offer thousands of eBooks and audiobooks for cardholders to borrow and download for free.
    • See this Overdrive Guide for device information and check out instructions.
    • Go to the OverDrive site to browse the digital catalog and download materials. 
    • Newer, popular titles may be checked out but you can place a hold.
      OverDrive new fiction list

6. NOOKs at LHS Library

    • There are 6 Barnes & Noble NOOK readers at LHS for checkout. Each device is capable of holding up to 1,000 books.
    • The NOOK lets you turn pages, look up words, highlight passages, adjust font size and style by tapping the touchscreen.
    • You and your parent or guardian will need to sign a NOOK Permissions and Acceptable Use Policy in order to borrow an e-reader.
    • Popular fiction and books recommended by students and staff are added regularly to our NOOKs.

      Catching fire

      Extremely loud and incredibly close

      Girl in Translation

      The Hunger Games

      Reader Player One

      Salvage the Bones

      Sarah's Key

    • We welcome your suggestions. Please email or stop by the Library to see Mrs. Lincoln. Enjoy your venture into e-reading!
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