Course Outline/Syllabus
Teachers: Mrs. Sawyer Location: D001
Course Description
This course is required for graduation. It is usually taken during the freshman year. The course includes a units include lifelong fitness, nutrition, stress management, mental/emotional health, drug use and abuse, human reproduction and STI’s.
Curricular Objectives
Each student will be able to identify and explain the benefits of being holistically healthy. They will be able to produce a basic nutrition plan, as well as obtain the knowledge to improve their individual fitness levels and lifestyle.
Materials or Supplies Needed
Classroom days you will need:
Health textbook, notebook/paper and a writing utensil
Late and Make-up Assignment Procedure
Attendance is extremely important. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what was missed upon returning to school. An assignment book (Skyward/Teacher Webpage) will be available to refer to for missed work (and you can always email me!).
Previous assignments need to be turned in on the day you return. Students who know ahead of time that they will be absent (Dr. Appt., field trip, family trip, etc.) have the responsibility of getting the assignments ahead of time. This can be done before or after class.
Evaluation/Grading Procedure
Grades for the classroom will be based on daily class work, homework, projects, chapter quizzes, four Common Summative Assessments (CSA’s) and a Comprehensive Final Exam.
*See the Student Handbook for exact clarification for the grading scale.
Class Expectations
Students are expected to…
1) Be on time.
2) Be prepared for each day’s activities.
3) Behave appropriately and be a good classmate.
4) Participate daily.
5) There is to be NO consumption of food in the classroom. Water is the only beverage permitted in the classroom.
6) There will be no re-takes of common summative assessments (CSA’s = unit test) within this course.
7) There is to be no use of cell phones or ‘technology’, unless it is approved for class content use by Ms. Sawyer.
8) If your cell phone or ‘technological device’ is ‘seen’ or ‘used’ in class, then the Spartan Code will be enacted. (See Student Handbook).
Much of what a student learns and is graded on deals with facts, concepts, and theories
which are presented and discussed in class. In addition, other learning processes take
place which may not be measurable, but are most important to the student’s overall
growth and education. Some of these processes may involve the exchange of ideas and
attitudes among class members, the interaction between individuals and a trained teacher, and the enrichment and supplementary experiences provided through the teacher’s expertise. Since attending class is the only method for students to benefit from these kinds of learning experiences, absences from class will have a direct effect on a student’s education, and potentially on the grade earned.
Tardiness …you are considered tardy if you are not in the classroom by the time the bell rings.
**See the Student Handbook for clarification on the new attendance policy.
Substitute Teacher Procedure
A substitute teacher is a guest in our classroom and should be treated as such. Consequences for inappropriate behavior in my absence will be more severe than for the same offense committed when I am present.
Extra-Help Opportunities
I am available before or after school for extra help. I can either be found in the girls’ locker room office or in room D001. If for some reason you cannot find me, go to the main office and ask a secretary to page me.
How to Contact Me
During school hours, I may be reached directly at 565-3882...or contact me by email: