Singles Play
- When the score is even, the serve is from the ‘right to right’ diagonal
- When the score is odd, the serve is from the ‘left to left’ diagonal
- When a point is made/won by the server, the server alternates service courts
- Always start serving from the right service court
- Always serve diagonal
- Contact the shuttle below the waist
- If you miss the shuttle it is a ‘fault’
- A shuttle touching the net on a serve and goes into the correct service court is Legal & In Play
- Preferred serve – long & high in singles
- Backhand-low-short & a Drive serve are good changes of pace
- Hand Down – when the server faults
- A player may hit the shuttle only ‘once’ on a side J
- If a tiebreak game is needed, the players switch sides at 6pts…the game can
be played to either 11 or 15 points.
- When playing doubles – it is called an ‘inning’ when both players ‘serve’
- A fault is made by a player on the serving side is a loss of serve called a Hand Down
- A fault made by the side receiving the serve is called a Point for the serving team
Doubles Play
- Strategy…partners can play ‘up & back’, ie, one covers short along the net and the other covers ‘deep’ in the back court
- Option…partners can play ‘side by side’ and each player covers their ‘all’ of their half
- The start of the game in doubles only allows the ‘first server’ to serve…when a fault (hands down) is made, the opponent serves from the right service box…when another loss of point/fault is made the ‘second’ player then serves
- You must honor the serving order within doubles play
- Vary your serve
- Serve/place shots to opponents backhand
- Drop shot tactics – force your opponent to RUN/MOVE side to side/front back
- Do not use high clear shots too often…it sets up a ‘smash’ easily
- Anticipate your next move