
    Homework Folder: Your child will be given a clear, plastic Homework Folder on the first day of school. This folder will be used to carry your child's Assignment Book and homework papers to and from school on a daily basis. Please see the Homework Policy Link  for more information on class assignments.


    Friday Finds: Every Friday your child’s completed weekly assignments and important notes from school will be sent home in the Daily Homework Folder (described above).  Please take the time to review the contents of this folder each week.


    Tardiness: All students must be in the classroom by the time the bell rings at 8:40. It is a policy that classroom doors will be closed at that time and any student remaining in the hallway will be considered tardy.  Students that are tardy must go to the office to check in before they may come to class. Please see the Attendance Policy Link for more information.


    Snacks: Students may bring their own snack from home to be eaten at a designated time during the morning. The purpose of this snack is to refuel the body to enable learning to take place, so only nutritious snacks will be allowed in the classroom (fruit, granola, cheese, veggies, etc.)